From the ability to image, recreate, and analyze individual leaves on a soybean plant from 400 feet, to getting information on the water-holding capacity of soil, to variable-rate water applications , NDVI crop imagery is quickly becoming the new face of crop management. No matter what time of the year you are needing information on your crops or fields, NDVI is the perfect solution for your needs. In the past, soil samples randomly taken from various areas of your farm were mixed together and tested. Using the results of the soil samples, recommendations are made to achieve the best soil conditions.
Pre-Season imagery can provide very important information about total available water capacity of the soil(TAWC). This is one of the direct determining factors in crop growth. These factors depend on soil depth and soil physical characteristics such as the soil water content at permanent wilting point and at field capacity.
Mid-Season Crop Health Monitoring (aka Scouting): The ability to inspect in-progress crops from on high with Normalized Difference Vegetative Index (NDVI) or near-infrared (NIR) sensors is, thus far, the #1 use for drones in farming.A task that traditionally was done by often-reluctant college interns walking fields with notepad in hand. Our NDVI Mapping multi-rotors now allow for coverage of more acres, as well as the capturing of data that cannot be seen by the human eye (NDVI). Plus, it removes much of the human error aspect of traditional scouting, though physically inspecting areas of concern after viewing the imagery, is still recommended.
Mid-Field Weed Identification: Using NDVI sensor data and post-flight image processing to create a weed map, growers and their agronomists can easily differentiate areas of high-intensity weed proliferation from the healthy crops growing right alongside them. Historically, many growers haven’t realized how pronounced their weed problem was until harvest time with NDVI farm mapping, this is no longer the case.
Variable-Rate Fertility: Although many will argue ground-based or satellite imagery, along with a dedicated grid soil sampling program, are more practical for the purpose of refining Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium applications in agriculture, drones do have their fit. FlyHighUSA is a South Central Kentucky based ag drone service , that is currently using NDVI maps to direct in-season fertilizer applications on corn and other crops. By using drone-generated, variable-rate application (VRA) maps to determine the strength of nutrient uptake within a single field, the farmer can apply 60 pounds of fertilizer to the struggling areas, 50 pounds to the medium areas, and 40 pounds to the healthy areas, decreasing fertilizer costs and boosting yields which is the ultimate goal!!!         
For more information on NDVI multi-rotor crop imagery. Email us @ FlyHighUSA.com or call one of our technical professionals @ (270)-473-1409